Deanery Educational Opportunities

The Durham-Northumberland Deanery Christian Education Team is sponsoring several educational opportunities this Fall, some on Zoom teleconferencing, others in-person.

Second Saturday Conversations

Group Reflections on “Second Saturday Conversations”.
Join a Zoom group on the second Tuesday evening of each month (starting in September) to reflect on the previous “Second Saturday Conversation” (on Zoom) hosted by The Rev.Marianne Borg, widow of Marcus Borg.
To see what the Second Saturday Conversations are all about, google “The Marcus Borg J. Foundation” and watch one of the past videos.
The Marcus J. Borg Foundation is committed to exploring a realistic and meaningful articulation of Christianity for the 21st. Century, building upon the historical and theological research and teachings of Marcus J. Borg and others.
Facilitator: The Rev. Susan Sheen For more information or to sign up for the reflection group, contact


September Book Study:  The Universal Christ

The Durham-Northumberland Deanery Christian Education Team is sponsoring a book study that will meet over Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m., starting September 10th. This book study will be held for seven weeks.
This book study features the book, “The Universal Christ” by Richard Rohr. For more information on this book, please click on the image above.
To register for this event, please email Val Whalley at


Helping Your Family Plan Your Funeral

Back by popular demand, Suzanne Lawson will be facilitating another Funeral Planning workshop on September 9th. This free workshop will be held at St. John’s Church in Bowmanville, between 10 a.m. and noon.
The aim of this workshop is to help you make things easier for your family and/or friends to plan your funeral by creating an “Idea File”. Attendees are encouraged to bring a notebook and pen.
To register, please email
For more information on this workshop, click on the image above
This workshop is sponsored by the Durham-Northumberland Deanery Christian Education Team.