Your generous donations  to St. Peter’s facilitate the daily outreach programs and youth services that are broad in scope and range. Your gifts and donations support the daily life of the Church and make possible the help and comfort they bring to many.


Click above to make an Online Donation.
Please indicate with a note in the comment box, where to apply your Donation, eg. pre-school, memorial, general fund etc. Thank you!

Please Specify in your order notes on checkout


Pre-Authorized Giving:

Donors can set up monthly donations to St. Peter’s either by debiting their bank account directly or charging the donation to a credit card.  The advantages to this means of giving is that you don’t have to remember to make your regular donation and the church has a stable and predictable source of income.  You can set up pre-authorized giving or change your monthly amount at any time by contacting the church office:

Donations By E-Transfer:

In you use online banking, you can send an e-transfer to St. Peter’s.
The advantage of this form of giving is that there are no fees for either the donor or the church*.

It requires nothing more than an online transaction, saving cheques, envelopes, stamps, and time. Email to 

When you send an e-transfer, please also send a separate email with your full name and mailing address.

NOTE: The church’s account that receives online donations is configured for automatic deposit – no password from the donor is required.

* Most bank account plans allow for e-transfers as part of the plan. Be sure to check if there is a fee on your plan for sending e-transfers. If there is, it is usually minimal.

Donations By Cash or Cheque:

Donations by cash or cheque are always gratefully received. They can be dropped off in person at the office or mailed to the church (240 College St., Cobourg, ON K9A 3V2)

Cheques should be made out to St. Peter’s Anglican Church.

Envelope Giving:

Members of the parish have access to boxes of envelopes with each Sunday and holy day’s date pre-printed on the envelope.
Each envelope donor is assigned a number for confidentiality and a tally is kept by the counters each week of how much each donor gave.
Envelopes are placed on the offeratory plate during worship service.
Donations may be made by cash or cheque.
Envelopes can be requested from the church office.

Bequests and Legacy Gifts:

There are many types of legacy gifts. The advantage of gift planning in this way is that it generally requires no outlay of cash by the donor. Some gift planning vehicles will benefit the Church now giving an immediate tax credit to the donor. Others will benefit the Church later, with a tax credit accruing to the donor’s estate. Some of the options for legacy or planned giving are: a bequest in your Will, life insurance, gift annuities, trusts and gifts of residual interest, and gifts of marketable securities (stocks).

For more information, please contact the church office (email or 905-372-3442)