Worship Services

Worship is a pivotal and vital part of St. Peter’s.  Worship draws us together as God’s people in thanksgiving, praise and prayer.  We offer a variety of weekly and seasonal services.

Weekly Worship

In-person worship at St. Peter’s has resumed.


10:30 a.m
This contemporary celebration of the Holy Eucharist follows the Book of Alternative Services and includes the choir leading our congregational singing. The service is held in the church.


10:00 a.m
This is a service of Holy Communion, which is held in the chapel.  It is followed by a time of light refreshments and fellowship in the Library (upstairs, Winter) and the Hutton Room (Spring to Fall). On the fourth Thursday of each month the children from the Pre-school join us for a short while, often singing for us.

Seasonal Services

Special services are held at various times during the Church year.


Holy Week and Easter, 2024

This year will be first time since 2017 that St. Peter’s has been able

to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in its restored church!

Sunday, March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

On Sunday March 24 we begin Holy Week. Please join us at our regular 8:30 an & 10:30 am services to pick up your palm crosses and to make your preparations to walk with Christ through his death and resurrection.

Monday, March 25 to Wednesday, March 27, 2024 – Holy Week Morning Prayer

During Holy Week, there will be daily services of Morning Prayer in the chapel, with meditations and reflections offered during the service. Please join us as you are able at 10am each day in the chapel, for a half hour service to prepare us for the culmination of Jesus’ journey from the Last Supper to the Empty tomb.

Thursday, March 28, 2024 – Maundy Thursday

10 AM – Our regular mid-week morning Eucharist

6 PM – Formal Maundy Thursday service

As St. Peter’s begins to focus on the climax of Holy Week, we invite you to join us for our formal Maundy Thursday service at 6:00 pm in the church. Members of the congregation are invited to join us for supper at 4:45 pm during our weekly TNL dinner. Come and join our community dinner, and then come with friends and guests to the church, as we mark the evening of the Last Supper. At 6:00 pm we will have a Service of holy Communion, with Washing of Feet and the Stripping of the Altar. Please join us as we gather to remember Christ’s journey this night, and remember: all ages are welcome!

Friday, March 29, 2024 – Good Friday

9:45 AM – Family Stations of the Cross Program

For Good Friday, we will be having a Family Friendly Stations of the Cross Program that begins at 09:45 am. We will be gathering at the front of Victoria Hall downtown, just after 09:30 am, and we will have our Youth and Sunday school members carry our large wooden Cross through downtown to St. Peter’s. We will stop throughout our journey and read out the stations of the cross, as a public witness of faith to the Town for Good Friday. All are welcome to join us and we anticipate the activities to last about 35 minutes.

11 AM – Good Friday Service

Our 11:00 am Good Friday service for 2024 will focus on the traditional veneration of the Holy Cross, as we are invited to walk with Jesus through his death and passion. This year our choir will be singing Allegri’s famous Miserere Mei, Deus (Latin for “Have mercy on me, O God”), a setting of Psalm 51 that was composed in the early 1630s, for the exclusive use of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Please join us in-person or online for this solemn and holy day.




Sunday, March 31, 2024 – Easter Day

The Chancel Window of St. Peters – “The Empty Tomb” – erected in memory of Rev. Canon Albert W. Spragge
Click on the image to enlarge

This year, Easter Sunday falls on the last day of March, and we invite you to join us on March 31st to celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection at our 8:30 am or 10:30 am services. This Easter, at our 10:30 am service, our choir and guest choristers will be singing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s “Messiah”.A blessed Easter to all!