St Peter’s provides many opportunities
for Adult Education that include:

bibleBible Study and Theological Discussion Groups

Bible Study provides a disciplined approach to looking further into the Scriptures, including passages that are read in church, is a meaningful way to enhance understanding. When the scriptures are studied outside of church services, it is usually entire books that are addressed over a determined period of time. The historical setting might be reviewed. References are examined to see the origins of quotations and their contexts. And the passages are tested for their application in our lives today. When those in attendance study the Scriptures more closely, it soon becomes apparent that we are called to regular reading of Scriptures, regular prayer, meditation to listen for God’s leading and to express our concern for others we should now treat as our “neighbours”.

St. Peters has Bible Study Fellowship Groups that meet regularly throughout most of the year. There is the one that meets on Wednesday mornings, and another that meets on Thursday afternoons. You can find out more about these groups below.

Wednesday Morning Bible Conversations

This group meets in the homes of some of its members during the months of September through June. The location of each meeting varies according to the schedules of the hosting members. The location of next week’s meeting is determined at the end of this week’s meeting. All meetings begin at AM.

For more information (and to find out the location of the next meeting), please contact Henry or Judy Knight at (905) 377-9156.

Thursday Afternoon Bible Study Group

This group meets in the Sabins Room at the church every Thursday during the months September through May from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

We respect each other’s differences and enjoy an atmosphere of learning in which no question is considered too simple or irrelevant. A wide range of life experiences and religious traditions mean that we have a wealth of ideas and insights each week to share.
For more information contact Alison Keenan (905) 373-1809

Resource Centre

St. Peter’s Resource Centre (in the Hutton Room) contains a comprehensive and current collection of books and other media (CDs, DVDs) to assist in a better understanding of the Christian faith and the life of the Church.

In the Hutton Room there is a computer where that contains a complete catalogue of items in the Resource Centre.  You may use this computer to do a search by author, title etc.

If there are books, DVDs etc that you have enjoyed and feel would be a valuable addition to the library, please contact the church office to request purchase of this resource (905) 372-3442.