You may register by phone by calling 905-372-3442 

December 22, 2020

All in-person services are cancelled at this time.  Please check back near the end of January for an up-date…

Thank you for your cooperation at this time.  Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe!

First Newsletter

As we prepare to re-open St. Peter’s for worship, you will see and feel how different our worship space will be. This is because we are diligently following all of the Amber Guidelines provided by the Diocese of Toronto. We want to ensure that we stay healthy as the reality of COVID-19 continues to be part of our daily lives.

If you are not able to attend in-person worship because of your health or your need to keep someone else safe, or if you are not ready to be in public spaces, our regular Facebook virtual service will continue.

In addition to virtual worship, there will be 2 weekly services offered at St. Peters.
10:00 am – Thursday
10:00 am – Sunday

Following the Amber Guidelines set out by The Diocese of Toronto means that we must limit the number of worshipers at each service.

 This is additional information that you need to know about regathering for worship:

  1. You must wear a mask when you enter St. Peter’s. Please bring your own; there will be a supply of disposable masks if you forget.
  1. Everyone will be asked screening questions and have their temperature taken. Please, if you are ill or have any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, cough, sore throat etc.), Stay HOME! Call the church to let us know that you are unwell.
  1. Parishioner and Visitors must sign in. If you are on the Parish List, you only need to record your name. Visitors need to provide contact tracing information (address, phone number, email). We are required to store these records for 3 years.
  1. Sanitize your hands. Do this frequently at stations located throughout the church.
  1. Signs have been posted to indicate doors to enter and exit the Great Hall or the Chapel.
  1. The seating in the Chapel and the Great Hall will look and feel different. This is to ensure that you are able to maintain 2 metre physical distance at all times. The Side People will assist you to find a seat.
  2. There will be plates or baskets into which you may place your offering. At this time, collection plates may not be passed person to person.
  1. Children under 10 years of age must remain with their parents for the entire service. They may bring their own toys and snacks but must not share them with others.
  1. Masks must be worn throughout the service.
  1. There will be no choral or congregational singing. Recorded music and instrumental music are permitted.
  1. Individual service bulletins will be left on chairs; please take home or place in the recycle container at the end of the service.
  1. During the exchange of the Peace, no physical contact is to take place. Please, only words of greeting and smiles behind your masks that reach your eyes.
  1. THE EUCHARIST: Communicants must wear masks and come forward in physically distanced manner. Holy Communion will be distributed from a standing station. Communicants receive the host while still wearing a mask. They then move away from the Communion Minister to remove their mask, consume the host, replace their mask, sanitize their hands and then return to their seat.
  1. Following the service, food and beverages are not permitted to be served.
  1. Exit doors are clearly marked and the sides people will assist. If you have special needs, please let the Sides People know and they will be able to provide an alternative and safe exit for you.

Following the service, the Great Hall or the Chapel will be cleaned and sanitized.

As a community, we are following the Guidelines that have been provided and doing all that we can to ensure that staff, volunteers, our parishioners and our guests stay safe. We are counting on you, to do your part.

September 24th Newsletter

September 24, 2020                                                                                                                 ROC nl #1

The Diocese of Toronto has issued strict guidelines that must be implemented before we can return to worship.  ROC has been hard at work planning and preparing so we may gather together.

God Willing, we will return to worship for Thanksgiving.  Please note, virtual services will continue for those who are not comfortable with returning to in person worship at St. Peter’s.

St Peter’s will look and feel different. Check out the photos and information in our first newsletter. If you have questions, send them to the church office email  A member of ROC will try to answer.

There are 4 critical actions needed to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe:

  • Keep 2 metres of space between yourself and others outside your household or your bubble.
  • Wear a face covering if physical distancing is a challenge or mandated, as it is in St. Peter’s.
  • Wash and/or sanitize your hands frequently and thoroughly.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

All of the guidelines we have been implementing, will help us to follow these critical actions and will help us to stay safe. Take a look at what you will find, when you come back to church.

When you arrive at St. Peter’s whether you are walking or driving, ROC is asking everyone to use the parking lot entrance doors. These doors are for ENTERING only.

You will find markers to help you stay 2 metres apart. You will be greeted by a volunteer who will ask you screening questions and take your temperature. If you are not well, please stay home and let the church know that you are ill.

You must wear a mask when you enter St. Peter’s. If you forget, masks will be available for your use.

When you come in from the parking lot, you will find a hand sanitizer on the righthand side wall.  Please use it.

There are floor markers to help us stay 2 metres apart and then you will sign in for CONTACT TRACING.

After signing in, please sanitize your hands, and follow the arrows.

ENTER              Chapel Door                10 am Thursday            &          8:30 am Sunday

Great Hall Door across from the office                          10:30 am Sunday

Sides persons will be available to assist you.

Service bulletins will be left on the chairs. Please take them home after the service or place in the recycle container.

The washrooms in the Hutton Room and outside the sanctuary will be open

After the service,


Chapel             Door at the south end of the Chapel will take you directly outdoors and you can walk around to the car park.

Great Hall         After the service, exit through the north doors opposite the Chapel and proceed along the hallway to exit the building at the south entrance.  Or you can go directly to the car park using the exit door situated on the east wall.

If you have mobility issues, please speak to one of the sides persons and they will assist you in finding an alternate exit.

Please extend a St. Peter’s WELCOME to our new staff, Rick and Denise Courtin. They have been trained in all cleaning protocols and have been very helpful to ROC as we get organized. Our church and our congregation are in good hands!
Next week…watch for the 2nd & 3rd editions  of the ROC Newsletter with information about how to register for worship. Find out what to expect during the service and much more.


        Stay Safe! Be Well!           Be Thankful!

ROC             (Karen, Helen, Nancy)                                                

Stay Safe! Be Well! Be Thankful!